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Take 20


{While this video is directed to CEO’s, I think it is relevant to everyone}

Recently, I was blessed with the opportunity to attend the Counsel of Insurance Agents and Brokers at the Broadmoor in Colorado. (Side note- this event used to be held at the Greenbrier, which was equally as beautiful. If you are looking for a relaxing getaway I highly recommend them). Each year my fathers company attends this event where we (and by we I mean they… I always just tag along, learn and meet everyone) get to network, build relationships and celebrate with a plethora of different companies in the insurance industry. The event always has a few keynote speakers come in as well. This year we heard from Terry Jones, Dr. Daniel Kraft, Dr. Kevin Freiberg and Peyton Manning. My goal is to do more than one post about what I learned, although I never did get around to writing about previous years with Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Robert Gibbs or Rudy Giuliani. So in an attempt to actually do it this year, I am writing this post from 30,000 feet above sea level as I head back to Texas.

This year the theme for the first day was Take:20. The idea behind this was that each of the three speakers would have 20 minutes to captivate our attention and encourage us to be creative and innovative. 20 minutes out of the day is short enough to be realistic and yet long enough for us to get a lot accomplished. (We did have breakout sessions later where we could learn more from them). Overall, the Take:20 theme was developed to push everyone out of his or her comfort zones, think about the future and take the initiative to develop strategies that would help us be successful… especially in our ever-changing world.

Terry Jones, founder of Travelocity and Kayak.com, said that he is in “the business of innovation.” He stated that there is a difference between being innovative and being creative. Being creative is thinking of new things. Being innovative is doing new things. Jones pointed out that most people are afraid of change, but as a leader, your wake is bigger than you imagine. Once you step out of the box people will follow. It is also important to realize that “success isn’t permanent and failure isn’t fatal,” as he stated.

Jones has a rule that he learned from the company Amazon.com. It is a 2-pizza rule. If it takes more than 2 pizzas to feed the group he is working with then there are too many people. With too many people there is too much talking and not enough ideas.

Can you take 20 minutes a day to stop, be creative and come up with ideas that will allow you to be innovative as the world changes? 20 minutes a day/5 days a week is almost 2 hours- think of the all the things you can accomplish!

Imagine if we applied this to every aspect of life. Take 20 to read the Bible, Take 20 call an old friend, Take 20 to workout… the options are endless.


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