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The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Baking is one of our favorite things to do as a family! Cayson will literally go to the pantry, start pulling out ingredients and then come grab me and ask me to mix cookies. It truly melts my heart, as I have so many fond memories with my parents in the kitchen. So whenever we get the chance to get our hands messy with flour and baking goods, we do! And this is the best chocolate chip cookie recipe!

We are a household that believes every day deserves to be celebrated- and sometimes we celebrate with an afternoon cookie {or two}! And today I want to encourage you to do the same! You don’t need a holiday, a party or guests as an excuse to make cookies from scratch. Do it today!

Find some of our other favorite recipes here!

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  1. Robert Budd
    February 7, 2021 / 9:00 am

    So sweet.

  2. Neely Moldovan
    February 23, 2021 / 2:32 pm

    I am always wanting to try new cookie recipes. I love them so much. Trying yours this weekend!

  3. February 24, 2021 / 10:06 am

    I have to admit that I’m not the biggest fan of chocolate chip cookies – I know, I’m nuts! But this recipe honestly looks so good … and the photos made me super hungry haha! I may have to try these out and see if I can find a way to renew my enjoyment ;)

  4. February 25, 2021 / 7:19 am

    I enjoy baking with my oldest daughter. She loves helping in the kitchen, so it’s fun to see her excited to cook. If only she was old enough to do all of the cooking haha

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