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The Future

Recently I have spent a lot of time thinking about my future and what the Lord has in store for me. As I have mentioned before, obviously the Lord’s plans are far better than my own… But I still wonder what it is He wants me to do.

A couple of years ago I learned that I am a verbal processor and ever since then I have written many of my prayers in a journal. (It is also encouraging to reread previous prayers and see how God answers them). Tonight I was writing about how I feel as though I am in a sort of rut. There are so many things that I am passionate about and so many things that I want to do.

I began daydreaming about my “perfect job” where I could do everything from talk about Jesus with middle school girls, love on and support children in third world countries, raise money for different charities, travel to exotic countries for work and pleasure and selfishly, still enjoy all of the finer things in life (yes, the Lord is still working on my heart in this category…). And on top of it all, I tend to be a people pleaser. I like being liked- which is not always a good trait when trying to be bold for God. Oh, did I mention that I would also absolutely love it if the Lord gave my husband and I a passion for the same company or career? I would love to work by his side while furthering God’s kingdom. Let’s see where this leads us…

After finishing my prayer, I realized that this morning I finished reading the book of Exodus and it was now time for me to decide on a new book to begin.  For some reason I felt it was time to reread Psalms. And naturally, the Lord began guiding my prayers.

Psalm 1:1-3

 1 “Blessed is the man 
   who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked 
or stand in the way of sinners 
   or sit in the seat of mockers. 
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, 
   and on his law he meditates day and night. 
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, 
   which yields its fruit in season 
and whose leaf does not wither. 
   Whatever he does prospers.”

When the time does come for me to seriously pursue a career, I need to be certain that I am listening to God and not the wicked ways of man. While I do love the things on this earth, they are not the things that will ultimately bring me true joy. I need to be rooted in Him so that I may yield fruit and not wither. The more I work on grounding my roots deeply in Him now, the stronger I will be when He is ready to give me His plans. The Lord has so much to teach me and He is still molding me into the young woman He wants me to be. I just need to be patient and wait on His timing.

He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11 


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