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Useful or Beautiful

useful or beautiful

It’s spring time and you know what that means. Spring cleaning. Due to the fact that my Husband and I just moved back to Texas we have a lot of cleaning and organizing to do. This process has been both stressful and therapeutic. (To all of you who enjoy cleaning and organizing- God bless you! And would you like to come help? ha This is probably one of my least favorite tasks to do. If you have emailed me in the past week I PROMISE I will email you back… life has just been a little bit hectic over here. But your encouraging words mean more to me than you know!) As we began this process of cleaning and de-cluttering my Husband reminded me of how symbolic it was that we were getting rid of all of our physical clutter and personal clutter at the same time. We just spent 8 months studying the Word & getting our hearts spiritually clean and we do not want any extra baggage in our life. If it doesn’t encourage us in our walk with God or if it doesn’t push us to be the best version of ourselves, we don’t want it. There are enough hindrances in the world today. With our future being so open we want to make sure that our lives are clutter free & that we are ready for the Lord to do whatever He wishes with us. So we are spending our week organizing our home and our lives.

What is your favorite way to organize? (Both physically & personally)

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  1. Robert Budd
    April 24, 2013 / 9:27 pm

    Proud of you guys chlo bell. Be blessed. Feel free to clean my closet while you are at it. Love Dad

  2. April 26, 2013 / 11:22 pm

    couldn’t agree more. unless it’s bright ;) then it is always beautiful and useful

  3. May 15, 2013 / 1:22 pm

    I’m right there with ya! We’re moving and tossing so much in the process. It sure is work that blesses, though. All that hard work is well worth the effort. -Tabitha

      • May 15, 2013 / 2:30 pm

        I just usually start the machines first-dishwasher and laundry, then go from the back to the front of the house with a trashbag and laundry baskets. I collect trash, dirty laundry, and anything that belongs in another room as I go. I’m not always great at doing this, but it’s what has worked best for me. -Tabitha

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