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Who Am I


Over the past few weeks I’ve found myself thinking the same question, time and time again. Who am I? I believe that in life, who we are continually changes. I am not the same girl I was five or ten years ago- I’m not even the same girl I was one year ago.  Events take place that shape and mold us.

As cheesy as it sounds, this website has been a part of my journey for quite some time now.  It was with me before I became a wife, before we moved to Thailand, before we moved to New York City. It has seen infinite joys and deep pain- some shared, some kept private.  And though I have changed throughout the years, the design and website style hasn’t changed too much. But I am beginning to think it is time for a change. So I sit here, thinking. Who am I? How can my new space reflect the new me?

Last week I attended a conference in Hershey, Pennsylvania at Hotel Hershey and the keynote speaker, David Friedman, spoke about the importance of a company’s culture. The more he spoke, the more I realized how applicable his message was to not only the office, but also to our lives as individuals- as sisters, friends, wives, mothers, etc. We create a culture in our home. Your home has a culture. There is an unspoken feeling a guest has when they enter your space, created by the culture you cultivate.  And the beauty of it is, we get to choose what that culture looks like.

If you’ve followed me for long, you know I love goals. I believe if you write something down, you are more inclined to take the necessary steps to achieve it. Well, most people don’t sit down and write a tangible list of the “culture goals” they hope to cultivate in their home.  But after this event, I certainly want to. I yearn for my home and my little corner of the internet to share an intentional culture- to share a piece of me. But that brings me back to my questions. Who am I? What do I want the “culture” of my space and my home to look like?

What “culture” do you hope to cultivate in your home or your space?
What are a few things that describe you?


signature-beyond blessed blog

read more about ‘who am I’ here 

Photos taken in Railay, Thailand {post 1 & post 2}




  1. Faith Barbare
    July 21, 2016 / 10:39 am

    What a neat concept. Never looked at it that way, but how true it is. This one got me thinking, and now I need to go make my list! ;)


    • July 21, 2016 / 10:49 am

      It was such an interesting talk- I wish it had been recorded! What type of items do you think you would put on your “culture” list?

      • Faith Barbare
        July 21, 2016 / 11:09 am

        In my home and on my blog I want to create a culture of acceptance. A kind of come as you are feel. I am very open in my post and I hope that will give others the courage to do the same thing.


        • July 21, 2016 / 12:10 pm

          Amen! That is beautiful! You definitely do make it easy to “come as we are” in your space! Well done Faith!

  2. July 21, 2016 / 10:46 am

    Definitely a great way of introspection to answer that question of ‘who am I’. Very important for us to ask and answer. Great post.


    • July 21, 2016 / 10:48 am

      The keynote speaker really made a great point! His book is great too. What do you want the “culture” of your home/space to say to guests?

  3. Tamsin
    July 21, 2016 / 11:02 am

    Soul centered abundance is what I strive for!

  4. Jyotsna Bhambhani
    July 21, 2016 / 6:22 pm

    This was so beautifully written Chloe. it made me think about the ‘culture’ my home brings too so thank you! bookmarking this <3

    • July 27, 2016 / 12:56 pm

      Thank you Jyotsna! What kind of “culture” do you hope to cultivate in your home?

  5. July 21, 2016 / 7:42 pm

    Beautifully written. I fully believe that your home has a culture and a story and I work really hard to make that cohesive (although sometimes I fail miserably, as is life, right?). I wrote a post that touched on what you were speaking about – taking the time to set goals for what you want your home’s culture to be. Of course, that post has been sitting in drafts for quite some time because I haven’t quite figured it out myself. But you have inspired me to revisit that and ponder it some more.

    • July 27, 2016 / 12:55 pm

      We all fail miserably at times- right there with you sister! Seems like it might be time to revisit your drafted post! Excited to read it!

  6. Jeanette Ambers
    July 25, 2016 / 4:03 pm

    It its true. We are always evolving and creating our own lives and I see what you mean by creating our own culture. It is a beautiful thing to be unique.

    • July 27, 2016 / 12:55 pm

      Amen! We are each uniquely and beautifully made- we just need to learn to embrace our individuality!

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