10   37
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50 days…. 50 days!!! It feels like a dream! I cannot believe that in 50 days I actually get to start life with my best friend. How is it possible that it feels as though we have been engaged for years but yet it feels like just the other month I wrote about the proposal? Our countdown began at 530 days until our wedding and now we are at 50. Thank you Jesus!! Not to sound cheesy or anything (okay… I like cheesy, so yes- being totally cheesy), but it is true- each day I learn more about Caleb and fall more in love. Every day I am blown away by how detail oriented our Heavenly Father is. He made Caleb and I so equally yoked. Caleb helps me become the woman that I want to be, knows how to make me laugh in any circumstance, helps calm my anxious heart when I try controlling life on my own, encourages me in my walk with the Lord and overall just brings out the best in me. My heart speeds up and I find myself smiling just thinking about our life together. I could literally go on and on about how thankful I am for this man. I cannot wait to begin our journey together and to continue falling in love with him all over again every day.  To those of you who have been married I know that I probably sound extremely naive and silly and I know that I will learn so much more about life and love as time goes on. But after having watched my parents marriage (and grandparents) which is based on their faith and their love for both God and each other, I know that Caleb and I will always be able to work things out together.

Check out our wedding website here.



  1. Callie Heart
    July 6, 2012 / 9:27 pm

    You will be a beautiful bride! Hope you do a post about your wedding!

    • July 6, 2012 / 9:29 pm

      You are far too sweet Callie! Thank you for your sweet words. And don’t you worry… I will :)

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