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Posts by this author:

Hope (Day 49)

“Remember your word to your servant,    for you have given me hope.” Psalm 119:49


Controlling the Roller Coasters (Day 48)

I have no idea why, but when reading today’s verse the first thing that came to my mind was a roller coaster. When you ride a roller coaster it is sometimes scary to let go of the security bar that…


Delight from Love (Day 47)

When you love someone, don’t you try to do everything in your power to bring  them joy? If the person you love asks you to do something (typically) you do it- even if it is  something you don’t really want…


Speak (Day 46)

“I will speak of your statutes before kings and will not be put to shame,” Psalm 119:46


Free (Day 45)

free·dom/ˈfrēdəm/Noun 1. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Could you imagine never having hesitate or think twice about something you are about to do? Having no fears and nothing restraining…


For Ever & Ever (Day 44)

I think I am stating the obvious when I say some days are easier than others. Luckily, recently I have been blessed with more of the “easier” days. But as strange as it seems (and as sad as it is)…


Tests (Day 42 & 43)

My dad always reminds me during tough times that “Our tests in life, become our testimonies.” Time and time again this statement has proved to be true. Today’s verses (technically yesterday and today’s verse) are a reminder that even when…


Wake Up Call

You know those phone calls you get that are completely out of the blue and just make your day? Today I got one of those from one of my old friends I had not spoken to since December. Over the…


Day 40 & 41

“40 How I long for your precepts! Preserve my life in your righteousness. 41 May your unfailing love come to me, O LORD, your salvation according to your promise;” Psalm 119:40-41 Our lives are supposed to reflect the Lord and…


Find Dress- Check!

Yesterday was a day full of surprise blessings. Normally during the summer my family enjoys the lake everyday, but needless to say, in this 110 degree weather that is not happening. So instead we have been searching for other things…



I came across this image on Pinterst and was instantly captivated by it. There is something so magical and majestic about this festival. Being the nerd I am, I quickly found myself googling what this celebration is. I learned this…


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