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20 Fun Things to do with Your Toddler

Anyone else on the search for new, fun things to do with your toddler right now? We were going a bit crazy and were in desperate need of some new ideas. So here are a list of 20 fun things to do with your toddler inside and/or outside!

  1. Fly a kite
  2. Play with sidewalk chalk
  3. Tie dye :: Make matching tie dye shirts/shorts/sweats with your family!
  4. Bubbles :: Bubbles instantly entertain Cayson. We have this automated bubble blower and we love listening to music and dancing around in the bubbles!
  5. Play in water :: We purchased this splash pad, a blow up pool, and have our eye on this water table and play sink.
  6. Have a picnic
  7. Go bowling :: This play set could be used inside or outside!
  8. Paint :: I’ve been taping different shapes on paper and having Cayson paint over it. They turn out so pretty! I just make sure I give Cayson paint colors that will compliment one another, even if they get mixed a bit. I shared the paints I purchased here.
  9. Play put put :: Doesn’t this set or this set look like fun? It can be used inside outside
  10. Go on a scavenger hunt :: Depending on your kids age, you could make it an alphabet scavenger hunt like this one or make your own list!
  11. Make slime or play dough :: In Cayson’s Occupational Therapy the therapist hides beads in the playdough for Cayson to pinch out. Cayson loves digging through it!
  12. Bake :: Cayson loves pouring ingredients into the bowl and he’s a great {ie messy} stirrer! This stand is SO helpful in the kitchen.
  13. Trains :: My mom found my brother’s train set from when he was little and Cayson loves it. We build the track with him and he rides the trains around it non stop.
  14. Make a sensory bin :: I have a ton of ideas on my Pinterest page. Be sure to follow along- I add ideas all the time!
  15. Go on a bike ride :: I’ve got my eye on either this bike attachment seat or maybe even this larger attachment for two.
  16. Play with a beach ball :: Cayson LOVES playing with his beach ball. Inside or outside. He thinks it’s hysterical tossing it up and having it land on his head. He also loves passing it, kicking it and just goofing around with it. We also use it to practice counting, talk about colors and more.
  17. Cars :: Cayson loves any type of car- from little toy cars to his cozy coupe!
  18. Play with sand :: My soon-to-be sister-in-law purchased Cayson some kinetic sand and he loves it! And I love that we get to pretend we are at the beach building sand castles. And the ‘kinetic’ aspect of the sand helps make it less messy. It’s like permanently wet sand.
  19. Create a maze or jungle gym :: Cayson loves it when we take our couch pillows down and build forts/mazes. He loves climbing through this tunnel, up and down the pillows and all over the place. If we had more space I would love this play pit and tunnel combo.
  20. Enjoy alllllll the ice cream :: We have a daily ice cream break in the afternoon. And we love every second of it! Cayson takes after his momma and loves mint chocolate chip ice cream and ice cream sandwiches!

What would you add to the list?

Here are 10 fun things to do this summer too



  1. May 7, 2020 / 3:38 am

    These are all lovely ideas to keep little ones (and bigger ones) happy during this time.

  2. May 7, 2020 / 6:21 am

    Mint chocolate chip is my favorite, as well!
    I love these ideas, there are so many good ones. Playing with chalk was one of my hobbies as a child, as well. Another great thing for kids is a trampoline. We only had a little one, but my cousins had a giant trampoline in their back yard. Jumping and learning different tricks on it was a favorite with me for sure.

  3. May 7, 2020 / 1:57 pm

    Great ideas! I’m going to steal some of them to do with the grandkids, including getting out all of the Thomas the Tank engines and train tracks to use with them. Tie-dying sounds fun too!

  4. May 7, 2020 / 3:29 pm

    I don’t have any children of my own, but I am a proud Auntie. Each time we go to visit, we take activities to enjoy together – that’s become ‘our thing’. The last time, for example, they were giant bubble wands and a craft set. I am definitely going to use some of the ideas that you’ve listed here! There is something so magical about that bonding time together. I try to enjoy as much of it as I can now before they grow out of this stage (which happens WAY too quickly).

  5. Melanie williams
    May 7, 2020 / 4:26 pm

    Love all your piccys by the way – very cute. These are really good ideas and just what is needed at times like this xx

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