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What’s in My Hospital Bag

Holy count down. It’s getting real!!!!! We are now 14 days away from meeting Baby C! I can’t believe it has been 9 months and we are actually about to meet our precious little bébé. WHAT?! As the day approaches, I think I’ve re-checked my hospital bag to make sure I have all the necessities at least a dozen times. I started packing it a couple of weeks ago {just to be safe}, but put the final pieces in this week.

I’m very type A, so I’ve spent hours researching what to pack in my hospital bag and have spoken to a plethora of my friends about their suggestions. Now I feel like I have the perfect list of what to pack in your hospital bag, so I’ve decided to share with all of you! Some of it is a tad embarrassing- but hey, I’m just being real! We also separated each of our items into these packing cubes to make everything more organized and easier to find! And we are packing everything into this rolling suitcase so it is easy for Caleb to move from room to room as needed.

***updated after delivery- items I ACTUALLY used at the hospital have asterisks next to them.  

Is there anything I missed that you would add to your hospital bag?

For Me

  • ***Robe. I was told to stick to dark colors and this robe is super comfortable and cute!
  • ***2 Nightgowns. I bought one of these nightgowns for two reasons. One, easy access for feeding and two, easy access for doctor checkups for me. I loved it so much when it arrived I ordered it in a second color!
  • 1-2 loose tops
  • 1-2 loose pants
  • 1-2 nursing tanks
  • ***Going home outfit for you. Apparently you look 6-7 months pregnant when you leave, so keep that in mind.
  • ***Socks with sticky pads. Easy grip for walking around in your hospital room.
  • ***Slippers
  • ***Shower flip flops
  • Diaper underwear. Multiple people recommended these to me & swear by them- here’s to hoping! {**** I just wore what the hospital gave me}
  • Underwear {**** Again, I just wore what the hospital gave me}
  • ***Nursing bras
  • Nursing pads


  • Towel. A lot of people said you might want your own towel to have the comfort of your own home with you. {I used the one supplied by the hospital because I tore so badly and was still bleeding}
  • ***Deodorant
  • ***Toothbrush/toothpaste
  • ***Shampoo/Conditioner
  • Dry shampoo
  • ***Blow Dryer. This one is under $15, has a retractable cord & folds up. I love it for traveling!
  • ***Curling iron/straightener
  • ***Makeup
  • ***Chapstick. I love this one because it adds a tint of color to your lips too!
  • ***Hairbrush
  • ***Facewash
  • ***Face lotion
  • Ear plugs
  • Eye sleep mask
  • Hair ties. I love these
  • ***Nipple cream

For Baby C
{I’m aware the hospital may provide some of these items, but I would rather be over-prepared then under-prepared}

  • ***Going home outfit
  • 2-3 sleep outfits {***Cayson just wore the hospital gowns until we left}
  • Swaddles. I’m bringing a couple different swaddles to the hospital, but am super excited to use this one! {we just used the ones supplied by the hospital until we left}
  • Scratch mittens
  • Hat {we just used the ones supplied by the hospital until we left}
  • Blanket {we just used the ones supplied by the hospital until we left}
  • Burp rag
  • ***Car seat. We got this car seat & I’m excited because it works for infants and toddlers!
  • ***Car seat cover
  • Nursing Pillow
  • Finger nail clippers/file

For Caleb

  • ***Change of clothes {someone recommended Caleb have some button down shirts for easy skin to skin}
  • ***Something to sleep in
  • ***Toiletries
  • Snacks


  • ***Phone charger {with extra long cord like this one}
  • Pillows. Sometimes it’s nice to know you have fresh, clean pillows.  We bought these and plan on just throwing them out afterwards. {our hospital literally ran out of pillows so we were SO thankful we brought our own!}
  • ***Blankets. For the comfort of home.
  • Wireless speaker
  • Wipes for visitors to clean their hands/arms before holding the baby
  • Birth plan
  • ***Camera, camera charger, camera disks
  • ***Thank you cards & gifts for the nurses & staff



  1. Nataly
    February 26, 2018 / 7:53 am

    Sounds like you have everything you need! I will keep this in mind for the future!

  2. Ashley DTKAustin
    March 4, 2018 / 7:11 pm

    Ahhhh, I am so excited for y’all!!! Sounds like you have everything prepped and ready to go!!

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