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Our Most Used Baby Items & Our Daily Schedule for 0-5 weeks

How is Cayson about to be entering his 6th week of life?! WHAT?! Life as his momma is so sweet and I still cannot believe his is all ours. We have now been a family of 3 for over a month and we are finally getting into a routine. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve likely seen me share a few of the baby items we use every day. And since so many soon-to-be mommas have reached out to me asking what items would be on my must-have list, I’ve decided to share our daily schedule and a list of my most used baby items with you!

Our Most Used Baby Items

At Home:

  • DocATot :: A SERIOUS necessity!
  • 4Moms Rockaroo ::
  • Boppy Pillow :: Makes nursing so much easier
  • Ollie Swaddle :: He seriously LOVES his Ollie Swaddle. It’s the only swaddle he can’t get out of & it always helps soothe him.
  • Stokke Crib :: It’s on wheels so I just roll it over next to our bed at night. We skipped getting a bassinet & jumped straight to the crib. This helped us skip the whole “transition” period I’ve heard horror stories about. Cayson loves sleeping in his crib!
  • Keekaroo :: Best changing pad ever! It’s literally rubber so we just wipe it down after those accidental pees that happen mid-change. It saves us from doing so much extra laundry. Also great as a bath surface when the umbilical cord is still attached.
  • Shnuggle Baby Bath Tub :: He LOVES his bath time. If you follow me on social media, you may have seen my video of him dancing in his tub. Plus this portable tub allows us to wash him anywhere- bathroom, living room, kitchen, bedroom- anywhere!
  • Aden + Anais blanket :: We use this for tummy time and it is so so soft!
  • Children’s Illustrated Bible :: We read one story together each night
  • Owlet :: I put this on Cayson at night and for naps. It gives me peace of mind and I can’t imagine not using it.

For Going Out:

Cayson’s Schedule at 5 Weeks

We are doing our best to follow the schedule from Moms On Call. First I bought the book, but quite honestly I prefer using just the app. Let me preface, below is our GOAL… During the day we are pretty good at following it, but night times are still a bit spotty.

  • 9 AM :: Feed 
  • 10 AM :: Nap :: I usually let him nap in his DockATot or 4Moms at this time
  • 12 PM :: Feed
  • 1 PM :: Nap :: I usually swaddle him in his Ollie Swaddle and put him in his crib at this time
  • 3 PM :: Feed
  • 4 PM :: Nap :: I usually swaddle him in his Ollie Swaddle and put him in his crib at this time
  • 5:30 PM :: Feed
  • 6:30 PM :: Nap :: I usually let him nap in his DockATot or 4Moms at this time
  • 8 PM :: Begin nighttime routine {read, bath, etc.}
  • 8:30 PM :: Feed
  • 9 PM :: Bed

Cayson usually also wakes again between 12 AM-2 AM and 5 AM for additional feeds, but I am praying he begins to drop those soon. Here’s to hoping! He did do one night where he only woke up at 2 AM and slept again until 8 AM- it was heaven!

What are some of your favorite baby items?
What items am I missing or should I try?

most used baby items

nightgown :: lip stain  :: Ollie Swaddle c/o :: Stokke Crib



  1. April 20, 2018 / 10:07 pm

    Everybody has their own idea of what’s essential. For me, I’d say diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, clothes, a place to sleep, a swaddling blanket, waterproof pads, a good nursing bra or two or three, and a car seat. Mine were spitters, so also burp cloths (old fashioned cloth diapers). That suction bulb the hospital sends home with you (store bought ones are not as good in my experience).

  2. Ashley DTKAustin
    April 26, 2018 / 3:49 pm

    This is absolutely adorable. I loved watching your video! Sounds like y’all are getting into a pretty good routine!

  3. April 26, 2018 / 3:58 pm

    I’m loving all of these photos! He is just the cutest thing!

  4. April 27, 2018 / 2:04 pm

    i just want to snuggle him! I need to learn so much before having my own!

  5. April 29, 2018 / 8:34 am

    This is such a great list of must-haves for newborns! Also, the schedule made me realize… all babies seem to do is eat and sleep ;) Thanks for sharing! p.s. Such CUTE photos!

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