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Posts by this author:

How to be Ready to Celebrate the Holidays at any Moment

Want to know a little fact about me? I like to keep a bottle of bubbly in our fridge at all times. You just never know when exciting news may come along. And I believe even the little moments in…


Create an Attitude of Gratitude

October, November and December are easily three of my favorite months of the year. Anyone else agree? From the changing of the leaves to the joy of the holidays- it seems there is always something to celebrate. However, somehow this…


The Prettiest Places to Enjoy Fall in New York City

NYC is magical year round, but fall in New York City is absolutely stunning! It’s a sight I believe everyone needs to enjoy at least once in their life. Over the past few years, we’ve had friends come to visit…


Our Favorite Apple Recipes

As you may have seen, we went apple picking recently and we are still only half way through our bag of hand picked apples! So in an attempt to enjoy all of the apples before they go bad, we’ve been…


The Easiest Apple Orchard to get to from NYC & Tips for Apple …

One of my favorite traditions we’ve started since moving to NYC is our annual trip to an apple orchard. We’ve now visited 6 or 7 different orchards and I have to admit, the orchard we visited this year was my…


All Things Baby Feeding :: Baby Foods, Favorite Feeding Items & Feeding Schedule

We blinked and our newborn turned 7 months old! How did that happen? Cayson was exclusively breastfed until 6 months and then we started introducing food. And let me tell you- it has been so fun watching Cayson explore new…


14 Reasons Why You Should Travel with a Baby

When Caleb and I were married, we knew we wanted to prioritize travel when setting our budget. And our 6 years of marriage prior to Cayson’s birth were filled with travel- near and far. Caleb and I had always talked…


10 Fall Date Ideas & the Best Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Anyone else feel like October is somehow one of the busiest months of the year? It’s my favorite month, so I try making the most of it each year! We cram in as much pumpkin flavored everything, apple picking, and…


Where to Stay in Positano :: Hotel Savoia

Does it get any more picturesque than Positano? It’s one of those cities that deserves to be on everyone’s bucket list. It is that good! Sure, the food in Positano is divine and it is the perfect home base for…


10 Goals Before My Next Birthday

A couple of weeks ago I turned 28. 27 was a good year for me, but I have a feeling 28 is going to be even better! I’m so excited to continue watching Cayson grow and to make more memories…


Our Favorite Baby Items & Our Daily Schedule for 4.5 Months – 6 Months

How do we have a 6 month old already? It’s so strange to think there was a time before Cayson. He fits into our lives so perfectly.  I’ve continued to receive questions about what items I suggest and what our…


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