Our Big Announcement is…
Almost a decade ago, Caleb and I moved from a small city in Thailand to New York City. Caleb was still job hunting and I had a job that paid practically nothing. We were broke, young and so excited! I…
Almost a decade ago, Caleb and I moved from a small city in Thailand to New York City. Caleb was still job hunting and I had a job that paid practically nothing. We were broke, young and so excited! I…
I would love to say I’m a morning person, but I’m just not. However, I have learned to love my morning routine and have found the below items make all the difference. Here are 9 things you should do every…
Anyone else love setting goals? I truly believe there is power in writing your goals down. Normally I sit down and write my year goals in late December/early January, but honestly… I’m still working on my 2021 goals. I looked…
Baking is one of our favorite things to do as a family! Cayson will literally go to the pantry, start pulling out ingredients and then come grab me and ask me to mix cookies. It truly melts my heart, as…
It’s official! Today is baby day!! We head to the hospital tonight to be induced. I’m both beyond excited and terrified of what is to come. But overall I am just so thankful! Over the course of both this pregnancy…
One week from today we head to the hospital to be induced! Which means at the latest we will meet Baby C in 7 days!! Over the past few months I’ve shared the details about my first trimester and second…
It officially feels like fall in New York City and we are loving every moment of it! Normally our fall is filled with long walks through Central Park, trips upstate to see the foliage and a trip or two to…
I thoroughly believe in the power of a written goal and love looking back on previous years to see how much I’ve grown. So as I enter into this next decade, I’ve decided to write down a handful of goals…
I’ve officially completed the second trimester and am well into the third trimester! So as this pregnancy comes near an end, I’m sharing the overview of my second trimester. You can see my first trimester overview here! You can also…
Every year I attend an event in NYC called Babypalooza or Babyboom. It’s one of my favorite events because I always walk away having learned about some amazing companies for babies, toddlers or family life in general. This years event…
I have to be honest, my 20s looked nothing like I expected. If you had asked me or my parents about my future when I was in high school, we likely would have guessed I would get married around 30…